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For Business Owners:

Here's How to Stop Feeling Overwhelmed From a Heavy Workload and Work Fewer Hours So You Can Spend More Time With Your Family

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For Business Owners:

Here's How to Stop Feeling Overwhelmed From a Heavy Workload and Work Fewer Hours So You Can Spend More Time With Your Family

Dear Business Owner,

Would it surprise you to learn that I help my clients who are stressed and exhausted from working 24/7, weekends and holidays... to work fewer hours, make the same amount of money (or more), and feel calm, focused and productive even when they're facing challenging professional circumstances?


Of course you are!

But stick with me and I'll make it worth your while.

I Do It By Using a Neuroscience-Based Coaching Method That I'm About To Share With You...

The same coaching method Fortune 100 Companies use to help 1,000's of their senior executives around the world to enhance mental focus and personal productivity...

... And in turn reduce the stress associated with working under pressure...

...All the while not having to sacrifice business performance or their health...

... And best of all having more time and energy to focus on growing their businesses while spending more time doing the things they love, with the people they care about most.

Just like Christine, a Business Owner with 2 Young Children Who Went From "Stressed, Exhausted & Panicked"... to Calmly Achieving Her Professional & Personal Goals

Christine ended up working fewer hours and spending more time with her kids...

The best part is she felt calm and her business continued to perform well even in the middle of the pandemic.

That's right. I know it's hard to believe.

And Christine isn't the only one either...

This is Oi, Who Stopped Feeling Overwhelmed from Running 3 Businesses and Became More Effective At Work
While Making Time For An Old Hobby!

And John, a General Manager Who Led His Company to Its Best Performance Ever While Improving His Health and Work-Life Balance

This same evidence-based coaching method is used by the NeuroLeadership Institute to help 1,000s of corporate managers and executives around the world.

It works.

Now you have access to world-class executive coaching.

I'm Going to Offer You
25% Off Executive Coaching Rates

You'll work with Bernice Lee, an award-winning "Top Career Mentor in Asia" and founder of a "Top 5 Coaching Firm in Hong Kong"

  • First of all, we'll establish your own inspiring work-life balance goals

I'm not talking about boring SMART objectives (yawn).

When I say "inspiring goals" I mean "when you wake up in morning and look at yourself in the bathroom mirror, you can't wait to start working on your goals" type of excitement.

  • Secondly, we'll create a step-by-step plan

How many times have you set goals but didn't follow through because you didn't have a plan to get there?

It's like setting a New Year's resolution of losing fat -- setting the intention -- but not deciding how you're going to cut calories and move your body more.

Don't just hope and pray. We'll create an actionable plan together.

  • I'll motivate you to continuously move towards your goals and guide you past roadblocks

Making changes in your life can be challenging. It's all about establishing new habits that enable you to achieve your goals.

My job as a coach is to help you create new, effective habits with as little friction as possible.

Why Am I Making This Special Offer?

At some point as a Business Owner, you've probably tried many things to improve your work-life balance:

Drinking a lot of wine... Mindlessly watching YouTube... Shopping therapy... Getting massages... Going on expensive retreats...

But the results were lacklustre or temporary.

Here's the thing.

As a self-employed person since 2013, I understand how challenging it is to launch and run your own business.

I've burned out before so I know how debilitating it can be.

Just like you, I needed help but didn't know where to turn.

Executive coaches are a great option because they're experienced in helping C-Suite leaders of huge global companies to navigate high-pressure jobs and demanding work environments.

But many of them would rather be hired by the companies to coach their staff and get paid at least US$350/hour instead of serving entrepreneurs who don't have the same budget.

That's not me.

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE working with entrepreneurs.

I love your passion, commitment and can-do spirit.

I know that when I help YOU, I'm helping you to live out your big dreams, pay your bills, raise your children, pay your employees and support their families, and make a difference in your community through your business.

That's why I'm giving this special offer to Business Owners, not corporate staff.

This is for people who are action-takers and serious about improving their work-life balance.

It's not for tire-kickers who just want to "check it out."

So instead of giving you a 1-hour sales pitch that's disguised as a webinar, I figured it's easier to speak you to you directly about how Brain-Based Coaching can help you.

So, Let Me Show You...

Hit the button below, book a date and time that works for you, answer a few quick questions and I'll be in touch!

On This Strategy Call We Will...

  • Explore your work-life balance challenges

  • Share scientific strategies to help you ASAP

  • Educate you so you can make an informed decision about the next best step in your professional development

  • Share how Bernice helps entrepreneurs to achieve high performance without burning out

Talk to you soon,

Bernice Lee

P.S. I'll see you on the call. I can't wait to talk to you! Don't miss the call. If you need to reschedule, that's fine -- but don't be a no-show because I don't reschedule with people who don't show up.

P.P.S. Be in a quiet place with good W-Fi. Have something to take notes with because I'm going to have some recommendations for your next best step, which may or may not be with me. I look forward to helping you.

Meet Bernice Lee

  • Bernice is an award-winning coach and trainer that has worked with over 3,000 business professionals from 23 countries to improve their careers and careers since 2013

  • In 2021, Hive Life Magazine named her company one of the Top 5 Coaching Firms in Hong Kong

  • In 2023, she was recognised as "Top 10 Women Career Mentors in Asia" by Women Entrepreneur India Magazine and featured in "50 Under 50" by The NYC Journal. She was also given the "Most Outstanding Career Coaching of the Year" award by Business Innovator in Hong Kong and "Top Brain-Based Coach of the Year" by the International Association of Top Professionals

  • Bernice holds two Ivy League degrees from Yale and Cornell, and previously had a 10-year corporate career in human resources management and marketing in the U.S. and Asia

  • She is a Certified Coach by the NeuroLeadership Institute, a Certified Coach with Harrison Assessments International, a Certified Practitioner of emotional intelligence with Genos International, and a certified etiquette instructor