Are you unhappy at work and wondering what other jobs or careers might suit you better?
Chances are, you’re feeling lost or confused about how to figure it out.
I’ve been there, done that!
I had four different careers in the span of 20-ish years, including direct mail marketing, human resources management, corporate training and speaking, and coaching.
These days I’m self-employed as a coach and I love working with my clients.
According to a report called the Harrison Assessment, I have a career fulfillment score of 94%, which is pretty darn accurate!
However, my journey to this point was a meandering process of trial-and-error.
On the one hand, I appreciated the journey because all of my experiences shaped me to be who I am today and I wouldn’t be as effective as a coach without them. One of my coaching clients, the founder of a hedge fund, once said talking to me is like talking to a friend who’s been through pretty much everything.
However, it took me a long time to get here.
For my first career transition from marketing to human resources management, I used the seminal book “What Color Is My Parachute?”, Meyers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) assessments, and informational interviews to switch from marketing to human resources management, which I ended up doing for seven years in the U.S. and Hong Kong.
I wasn’t entirely happy in HR but it was better suited to me than marketing.
For my second career transition, a coach helped me clarify that I wanted to start my own business and become self-employed as a trainer specializing in emotional intelligence and business etiquette. I did that for another seven years.
It was a good run. I enjoyed my work a great deal.
By the time I became a coach, I already knew enough about the personal development industry to know that this was a natural next step for me and it was more about enriching and elevating my skills than it was about completely changing professions.
In the realm of work, now I’m happy as a clam!
But I wish I’d arrived at this point sooner.
In 2022 I took the Harrison Assessment and was pleasantly surprised to see that coaching and teaching were ranked as being more suitable for me than human resources management.
Wow - uncannily accurate!
If you feel the need to change your profession or career, and you’re not sure what options to explore, then I recommend the Harrison Assessment. It’s a 30- to 40-minute online questionnaire that measures your behavioral tendencies, interests and preferences and it’s used by Fortune 500 companies to develop their leaders and help them navigate their careers.
Specifically, the Career Options Report will indicate careers that are best suited to you.
I wish I’d known about it before.
It would’ve saved me a lot of time, energy and effort to figure things out on my own.
If you’re experiencing a career dilemma and are ready to work with someone who’s been there, done that, and helped others to do the same, book a free 30-minute Discovery Session with me on my homepage.
Bernice Lee
Bernice Lee is an award-winning coach who helps entrepreneurs and corporate managers to be the poised, confident leaders they're destined to be.